Monday 9 March 2015

Festivals & Special Days

The Hunza Valley is home to various festivals related to religion, culture and normal life events. These festivals fall into two main categories namely religious festivals and cultural festivals (daily life or agricultural). The religious festivals include:

Eid-Ul-Meladul Nabi
Nowroz festival
Shab -e- Barat,
Shab -e- Miraj,
Eid Ghadeer,
Salgira -e- Imam Zman Mubar (Birthday of Agha khan)
The traditional Ginani festival is celebrated by the local community with many gatherings organized in Altit, Baltit and Aliabad. This festival is celebrated to welcome the new harvesting season with joy and happiness. The celebrations are made with dance, music and a traditional dish is made to mark the festival known as Dirum Pitti.
Another famous festival is the Spring Blossom Festival which gives the people an opportunity to sit together and enjoy life. Exhibitions, sports programs and cultural shows attract the audience in this festival to celebrate the cultural heritage of the region. Apart from these other festivals include Baba Ghundi and Shimshal Kuch festival.

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